In The News Articles
Hoag’s Cardiothoracic Surgery Team Earns Highest Distinction in Three Surgical Areas

Society of Thoracic Surgery honors Hoag with 3-of-3 Stars, a designation achieved by fewer than 2.6% of hospitals nationwide for Isolated AVR
distinction possible, a three-star rating out of three stars, from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) for three
categories of surgery – isolated aortic valve replacement (AVR), isolated mitral valve replacement and repair
(MVRR) and isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).
The cardiac surgery performance of Hoag is in the highest quality tier in the current analysis timeframe from
July 2020 through June 2023. Fewer than 2.6% of hospital nationwide receive a three-star rating for isolated
aortic valve replacement. Fewer than 10.4% of hospitals nationwide receive a three-star rating for isolated
mitral valve replacement and repair (MVRR) category, which Hoag has maintained for 1 year. Fewer than
22.2% of hospitals nationwide receive a three-star rating for isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG),
which Hoag has maintained for 2 years.
The STS star rating system is one of the most sophisticated and highly regarded overall measures of quality in
health care, rating the benchmarked outcomes of cardiothoracic surgery programs in the United States and
“We are honored by the national recognition for Hoag’s Cardiovascular Surgery Program in the highest
category for quality and successful outcomes,” said Robert T. Braithwaite, Hoag president and CEO. “Hoag
continues to be one of the preeminent cardiovascular centers on the West Coast and we couldn’t do it without
the specialized clinicians and dedicated support staff who continue to commit themselves every day to provide
outstanding results to our patients.”