Endovascular Surgery

Endovascular Surgery

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Endovascular surgery is a form of minimally invasive surgery that was designed to access many regions of the body via major blood vessels. These procedures are performed without opening the chest or placing the patient on the heart lung machine.

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)

Hoag Heart and Vascular Center recently became one of a select number of sites in the United States to treat patients with the recently FDA-approved Edwards SAPIEN transcatheter aortic heart valve. Hoag hospital is the only center in Orange County to offer Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI). This treatment option provides an important therapy for patients with severe, symptomatic native aortic valve stenosis who are not candidates for traditional surgical replacement.

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This is what our patients have to say…

Bob Davis

“But he was the center of attention. Many surgeons and nurses came to watch his unusual and delicate surgery to remove scar tissue which had formed around his heart on the pericardium.” In short order…. Bob returned to his love of golf shooting a hole in one!